Saturday, May 30, 2009

Oh Nina!

One of my closest friends also happens to be my neighbor. Her youngest daughter is my youngests BFF. She wandered over this morning and I took a few pics. You can fall into her eyes!

Here they are trying to out pose eachother.

So much for candids! These two were HILARIOUS!

How can I keep them this small?

My Guy..

I can't leave my guy out! He had a great weekend of soccer as well. One of my favorite things in the world to do is to watch his footwork....

The Warrior Classic

The last weekend of soccer was a great one! My duaghter's team went 5-0 to win the Championship game. Here are a few pics from the tourney...

My #8 kicking butt!
OP U9 Green...otherwise know as "The Mutants"

The team when they found out they all get to stay together for next year!
What a great year!

Monday, May 11, 2009

The only thing I really wanted for Mother's Day was this beat up, run down, old horse trailer that had been sitting in the same spot for months. I had visions of using it in many photo-sessions. It would have been the coolest prop ever! I drove by the spot yesterday, hoping to see it, and it was gone. So, when I got home, I setteled for the next best thing...photographing my kids (actually, this was the best thing, much better than the trailer). Here is one shot that is my fav so's of my oldest...the one who is always too busy for me to shoot....

It was a great Ma's Day!